I have never met you

Only have I looked at pictures of you.

I have never spoken to you

Only have I read of you.


You once lived in peace

At one with all things

Then the white man came

He called you savages

With no true spiritual beliefs

He did not understand you

Nor did he want to!


He brought you disease, money and death

He tried to change your ways

And when he saw gold

He tried genocide

He ripped massive holes

Out of Mother Earth

He was the savage!


He moved you away

From your sacred lands

And left you to die on reservations

Yet you are still here

Many of your people have died

The white man still tries

To destroy you all but you fight on

And you remember that you are an Indian!


I have never met you

Only have I looked at pictures of you.

I have never spoken to you

Only have I read of you.

I hope one day

We shall meet and talk

to main menu
to my heart sends index
poem 1
poem 2
poem 3
poem 4
poem 6
poem 7